Start by downloading the ArtBinder from the App Store.
- Log in with the credentials you created during sign-up.
- Upon log in, your content will start downloading automatically. Now your iPad is subscribed to your ArtBinder account.
- Depending on the size of your account and the strength of your WiFi connection, the first update can take anywhere from 1 – 15 minutes. Future updates to the app are much quicker, since all the published content of your app is stored locally.
- Notice under App Settings (gears icon) there is an "Offline Viewing" counter. This indicates that the download is in progress. You will be able to able start browsing and using the app while your content is still downloading, but make sure you complete the download before disconnecting from your WiFi.
As you continue to update and add content to your account online, Object data will update automatically. Any changes made on will now sync faster than ever with an internet connection. If you need to manually refresh your app, follow the below steps:
- Select the gears/Settings icon.
- Scroll to down the menu and select the “Sync" button. You must have an internet connection to download new content.