You can quickly make changes to multiple objects using the Bulk Edit tool.
- Go to the Inventory, then Objects section from the top navigation bar.
- Select all of the objects you wish to update.
- Click Bulk Edit from the left side menu.
- Type in the text you intend to replace existing information with, depending on if the field is free text or has a fixed dropdown menu.
- Then, click on Review. This information will overwrite the related information on the selected Objects. Please verify your changes before clicking Update.
When viewing all Objects of your inventory from Smart Sheet:
- Select all of the objects you wish to update.
- Click Edit from the top bar menu.
- Type in the text you intend to replace existing information with, depending on if the field is free text or has a fixed dropdown menu.
- Then, click on Review. This information will overwrite the related information on the selected Objects. Please verify your changes before clicking Update.